don’t let it touch your soul

1 min readSep 17, 2023

timeless (Speak Now TV, From The Vault, 2023)

time eludes capture, always looking for

breaks in our psyche to exploit and whittling things

down to the barest of bones,

your heart and soul might never have withstood the test of your

mind trying to one-up its counterparts in different mortal coils

and failing in the same way that a decaying

body might know to tear its walls down to be received by the ones who knew better than we ever will.

don’t forget that we cannot be immortal, save for

you with your memories embedded in the souls of those who

let you occupy those precious resting places for time and people long gone.

it may be torture to be human but to feel the

touch of our mortality is to be reminded of

your incredible ability to be of mind and

soul constructed for an existence in any given time-frame;

“It was like an age-old classic”




a collection of thoughts, ideas, feelings, experiences. some personal, some impersonal, all authentic.