when it was hard to take

Jun 30, 2023


mine (Speak Now, stolen in 2009, TV 2023)

when i took that first step out of the family home all those months ago,

it was accompanied by a strange sense of relief and a terrifying realisation of how life

was never going to be the same again. I always found it

hard to envision how life might look outside of familiarity, only knowing that it captivated me in ways I could never properly fathom.

to get the tiniest taste of independence and aloneness in a way i never had to, it would

take everything in me to stomach the new reality i chose to make my own. I wouldn’t call it indigestion, perhaps more of rewiring my mind’s neural networks around digestion and acclimatising.

you are the best thing that’s ever been mine — here’s to my ‘bravery’ and come what may




a collection of thoughts, ideas, feelings, experiences. some personal, some impersonal, all authentic.